
Your Denver Invisalign® Experts

At Foundations Orthodontics, we’re a leading Denver Invisalign and Invisalign Teen provider. With Invisalign, Dr. Moran designs a personalized treatment plan. Then, a series of custom, removable, clear aligners are created just for you based on her specifications. This convenient, aesthetic smile solution is a popular choice among our adult and teenage patients. 

Of course, as a bite correction expert and holistic orthodontist, Dr. Moran ensures you not only get perfectly aligned teeth with Invisalign treatment, but you also get a strong, stable bite and properly positioned jaw joints. This results in a smile that functions just as great as it looks. To find out if you’re a candidate for Invisalign in Denver, Granby, or Winter Park, CO, schedule a complimentary exam at Foundations Orthodontics online or by calling us at (303) 694-4330!

How Does Invisalign Work?

A Foundations Orthodontics team member takes digital dental impressions and a virtual, 3D model of your mouth is created. Dr. Moran plans out your treatment directly on the computerized model for maximum precision and efficiency. She sends her treatment plan to the Invisalign lab and, using 3D-printing technology, a series of custom, clear aligners are created just for you based on her instructions. 

The aligners fit snugly over your teeth and exert steady, gentle pressure that stimulates the process of bone remodeling, allowing the teeth to shift into place. Each set of aligners is designed to achieve certain tooth movements. As you make your way through the series, your new smile gradually takes shape right before your eyes.

Life With Invisalign

Invisalign and Invisalign Teen are convenient, comfortable treatment options and will have minimal interference in your day-to-day life. That being said, there are still some steps you’ll want to take to care for your smile and your Invisalign aligners throughout your treatment:

Take your Invisalign aligners out before eating or drinking anything aside from plain water. The aligners fit snug against the teeth and, if you leave them in, food or liquid can become trapped beneath the aligners and sit on your enamel for an extended period of time. This will increase your risk of tooth decay and staining. Additionally, drinking hot drinks with Invisalign aligners in your mouth can warp the plastic and affect the fit. 

  • Brush your teeth in the morning, after meals and snacks, and before bed. This will ensure your teeth are clean when you put your aligners back in. 

  • Store your clear aligners in your Invisalign case whenever you’re not wearing them. Pets love to chew on aligners and, because they’re clear, they’re easy to accidentally throw away if you leave them on a napkin or a tissue when eating. 

  • Wear your Invisalign or Invisalign Teen aligners for about 20 to 22 hours per day, only taking them out to eat, drink, brush and floss your teeth, and wear a mouthguard while playing sports. 

  • Clean your Invisalign aligners regularly. As you wear them, split, plaque, and bacteria will build-up on them. If not washed away, your aligners will start to smell and become cloudy. As for how to clean Invisalign trays, the easiest and most affordable solution is to brush them with a soft-bristled toothbrush and rinse them in lukewarm water in the morning and at night. For added cleaning power, you can also use a gentle, clear, scent-free dishwashing liquid with your toothbrush. While there are Invisalign cleaning crystals and other products you can purchase, they’re not a necessity. 

  • Always save your previous set of Invisalign aligners. If you lose one of your aligners and you haven’t achieved the prescribed tooth movements yet, you may need to pop in your old aligners while we have a replacement made. 

Can I Get Invisalign if I Have a TMJ Disorder?

Yes! Dr. Moran is known for treating patients with complex cases and TMJ issues. One way she does that is using Invisalign. Many of our adult and teen TMJ patients find that clear aligners actually give them some pain relief. Additionally, Dr. Moran is usually able to achieve the necessary tooth movements more easily with Invisalign vs. braces. 

What Can Invisalign Fix?

Under the direction of an experienced Invisalign provider like Dr. Moran, Invisalign can fix an overbite, certain types of crossbites, some underbites, and an open bite. Dr. Moran can also use Invisalign for overjet teeth, crowding, and spacing. While every patient is unique, Invisalign is effective for a wider range of cases than ever before, including those that are complex. To find out if clear aligners are the best smile solution for you, schedule a complimentary consultation with our Denver Invisalign expert today online or by calling us at (303) 694-4330!


What is Invisalign?

Get the details on what Invisalign is and how the clear aligners work from a leading Denver Invisalign provider. 

Invisalign Teen

Considering Invisalign Teen? Learn the benefits of this system of clear aligners for teenagers. 

Invisalign Procedure

Here’s what you can expect during the Invisalign process at Foundations Orthodontics.  

Invisalign FAQ

How much does Invisalign cost? How long does Invisalign take? Find the answers to common clear aligner questions.